Sunday, October 08, 2006

Belgium's Best Export? (Yes, better than Soulwax!)

Actually that's probably too bold a statement right now given the Soulwax back catalogue, but definitely one to rival the Dewaele Brothers in the future I think.

Starski & Tonic, Resident DJs of Culture Club, Ghent where Soulwax themselves were once residents, and Dirty Dancing in Brussels, joined up this year with a third member in "Othello", to form The Subs.

The Subs - "Substracktion" (Lektroluv)

Substracktion is the latest release from the guys, and I look forward to hearing plenty more if it's anything to judge by. Starts off with a bassline that wobbles, squelches, distorts and generally creates havoc. It had already won me over on that alone, but then the breakdown comes along, and it has this nice little melody that comes in to add a new dimension to it.


Blogger Jay-R Nazareno said...

The buzzy bassline is nice and played with. Great for late night go-go box dancing after a tummy full of vodka.
I'd definitely mix in and out of this track. Just give them a taste. The build up is perfect, I must admit.
Nobodys doing what they're doing. Thumbs up!

8:08 pm  

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